Passing the Test – Part I

Until the time came to fulfill his dreams, the LORD tested  Joseph’s character.”

Psalms 105:19 NLT

One of my amazing godly sisters shared a story with me. She and her boyfriend were driving back from Rehoboth beach. They approached a terrible storm so much that the rain made it difficult for him to see. Many drivers pulled over but her boyfriend decided to continue driving but very slow and with extreme caution. In two minutes they drove out of the storm and was was met with the sunshine on the other side. She told me she looked back and saw the dark clouds from the storm behind them along with the cars that pulled over to the side. My eyes lightened up as I recognized how God showed her (and now) me an amazing lesson about going through life’s storms.

driving through storm

I am currently going through one of those storms myself but this is a spiritual storm. There is darkness all around. The thunder which is represented by the accusations and lies of the enemy are loud and consistent. However I (like my friend’s boyfriend) decided that I am going through this storm. I am not fearful nor do I doubt the hand of God moving in this situation. I don’t know how long it will take nor do I know what I will face while going through but I do know that God is with me.

perfect peace image JPEG


This storm has taught me so many things already and I still haven’t gotten to the other side of it yet! God has revealed to me how I view Him, myself, and others. He is teaching me how to release others from the offenses they have done to me. He has shown me how I can never compare Him to any earthly fathers, not even the best of them. My Heavenly Father has also shown me how I have received the accusations from the enemy regarding myself and of others. He is teaching me how to walk in the Love of God towards those that hurt us so deeply but still struggle to see what they are doing. He is teaching me to walk in the Fruit of the Spirit in the midst of the struggle in my flesh. He is preparing me to pass the test!


We will all face storms in our lives. We will be in and out of storms both in the natural and in the spirit. It is up to us to determine how we will handle the storm. Will we seek God for wisdom and direction or will we allow fear to keep us from moving forward in Him? Regardless on what decision we make, we are not excluded from experiencing storms. But if we hold steadfast, focus on God and do it His way, we will come through the other side stronger and wiser.

Storms will come image

God tests us prior to allowing us to go to another level in Him. Psalms 105:19 reminds us that God himself tested Joseph before Joseph was to fulfill the dreams he had. So ask yourself,

What are my dreams?

Is this a test I am going through now in order to prepare me for my dreams?

How am I going through the storm, what is my attitude and behavior?

Am I avoiding and fighting the process?

If you are struggling in the storm, STOP, EXHALE and RELEASE.

STOP worrying.

“Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand. Isaiah 41:10 NLT

EXHALE and take a moment and focus on Him

“We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith…” Hebrews 12:2 NLT

RELEASE  every fear, every offense and offender.

“Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.” 1 Peter 5:7 NLT

“You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people.” Genesis 50:20 NLT

God has you. He has a purpose for the storm and it is not to hurt you. God’s desire is that we learn from the storm, grow from the storm, and help others in their storms to get through and on the other side of their storms.

“It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” Deuteronomy 31:8 ESV


So that we are clear…a quick…..


Sometimes it is wise to pull over and wait for the storm to pass. 🙂


Father I pray for every person reading this right now. I pray that You would encourage them through this time of testing. Remind them of Your promises Father. Strengthen them when they are weak. Encourage them when they are heavy. Instruct them when they seek direction. God I pray a hedge of protection over them. I plead the blood of Jesus over their minds.  I silence every accusation and lie from the enemy right now in the Name of Jesus. Expose the devil for the liar that he is. I declare and decree that Your truth will reign and will speak louder than any lie. We thank You for never leaving us nor forsaking us. We thank you for the storm for it makes us better than what we were when we began. We will go through focusing, relying, and obeying You. Thank you for the victory! In Jesus Name, AMEN.


6 Comments Add yours

  1. Cheryl Kincaid says:

    Beautiful words of strength and guidance . Your words are very helpful for me and I thank you, I find strength in your prayers.


    1. Thank you Cheryl Kincaid. Your love for life after all you endured is an encouragement to others as well. It’s a powerful demonstration of how we have the ability to live in joy despite of what we endured in the past. Continue being the light you are. Love you!


  2. Pastor Mary says:

    Hi Sonja,
    Great Word regarding the Storms of Life, such wisdom and insight given to get through the Storms of Life and getting on the other side. This is certainly God’s wisdom and word to all that have ears to hear and a heart to believe and by faith to be obedience to these Godly instructions.
    As it has been stated Storms Will Come, but there is always the Rainbow after.
    Thank You For the Prayer…..I know that the prayer of the Righteous Avails Much!


    1. Thank you Pastor Mary. You have been such an inspiration to me. Your guidance, wisdom, and love has helped me grow and become more confident in who I am in Christ. Being apart of your life and the Daughters of Esther ministry has strengthened my prayer life a million times over! I have always been a fighter but now I know how to fight God’s way…by going straight to the THRONE!!! Hallelujah! Love you much!


  3. Jennifer Ramirez says:

    I am have been stuck in the storm because I have pulled over. Thankful to my friend who has led me to your message I have decided to move foward putting all of my trust in God. He will guide me and sustain me.
    Thank you again for this.


    1. Jennifer that is amazing! Praise God that He had you on the heart of your friend. God will always get to us and remind us that we are on His mind. “How precious are your thoughts about me, O God.” Psalms 139:17 NLT


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